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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

How inconvenient

I posted a while ago about some silly global warmists who were
protesting CO2 and the use of clean coal. The irony was that they were
protesting global warming while it was snowing and freezing cold.
Well it's happened again. The country is being pounded with snow from
here in Texas across to California. This time around the elite Eco-
mentalists are having their pow wow in Copenhagen so they can make
promises to each other on how much they will reduce pollution (all
while traveling on hundreds of private jets and even more SUVs and
Oh the irony, humor me while I point and laugh.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Jeremy Clarkson on Healthcare

If you don't know who Jeremy Clarkson is, repent and do better....I mean he is a British automotive journalist and host of the greatest TV program of all time, Top Gear.  I was caught off guard when I found this article he wrote on his experience with the Canadian healthcare system, which many say is a perfect example of what the US system should be modeled after.  Usually Clarkson writes about powersliding a Ferrari at 3 million MPH or building a rocket out of a Mini Cooper so it was refreshing to see his wit applied elsewhere.
"While I was away, there was a big debate about how Barack Obama might sort out America's healthcare system, which, say the critics, is chronically awful and fantastically unfair.

It's also bonkers. I was once denied treatment at a Detroit hospital because the receptionist's computer refused to acknowledge that the United Kingdom existed. Even though I had a wad of cash, and a wallet full of credit cards, she was prepared to let me explode all over her desk because her stupid software only recognised addresses in the United States.

Some say America should follow Canada's lead, where private care is effectively banned. But having experienced their procedures while on holiday in Quebec, I really don't think that's a good idea at all.

A friend's 13-year-old son tripped while climbing off a speedboat and ripped his leg open. Things started well. The ambulance arrived promptly, the wound was bandaged and off he went in a big, exciting van.

Now, we are all used to a bit of a wait at the hospital. God knows, I've spent enough time in accident and emergency at Oxford's John Radcliffe over the years, sitting with my sobbing children in a room full of people with swords in their eyes and their feet on back to front. But nothing can prepare you for the yawning chasm of time that passes in Canada before the healthcare system actually does any healthcare.

It didn't seem desperately busy. One woman had lost her face somehow — probably a bear attack — and one kid appeared to have taken rather too much ecstasy, but there were no more than a dozen people in the waiting room. And no one was gouting arterial blood all over the walls.

After a couple of hours, I asked the receptionist how long it might be before a doctor came. In a Wal-Mart, it's quite quaint to be served by a fat, gum-chewing teenager who claims not to understand what you're saying, but in a hospital it's annoying. Resisting the temptation to explain that the Marquis de Montcalm lost and that it's time to get over it, I went back to the boy's cubicle, which he was sharing with a young Muslim couple.

A doctor came in and said to them: "You've had a miscarriage," and then turned to go. Understandably, the poor girl was very upset and asked if the doctor was sure.

"Look, we've done a scan and there's nothing in there," she said, in perhaps the worst example of a bedside manner I've ever seen.

"Is anyone coming to look at my son?" asked my friend politely. "Quoi?" said the haughty doctor, who had suddenly forgotten how to speak English. "Je ne comprends pas." And with that, she was gone.

At midnight, a young man who had been brought up on a diet of American music, American movies and very obviously American food, arrived to say, in French, that the doctors were changing shift and a new one would be along as soon as possible.

By then, it was one in the morning and my legs were becoming weary. This is because the hospital had no chairs for relatives and friends. It's not a lack of funds, plainly. Because they had enough money to paint a yellow line on the road nine yards from the front door, beyond which you were able to smoke.

And they also had the cash to employ an army of people to slam the door in your face if you poked your head into the inner sanctum to ask how much longer the wait might be. Sixteen hours is apparently the norm. Unless you want a scan. Then it's 22 months.

At about 1.30am a doctor arrived. Boy, he was a piece of work. He couldn't have been more rude if I'd been General Wolfe. He removed the bandages like they were the packaging on a disposable razor, looked at the wound, which was horrific, and said to my friend: "Is it cash or credit card?"

This seemed odd in a country with no private care, but it turns out they charge non-Canadians precisely what they would charge the government if the patient were CĂ©line Dion. The bill was C$300 (about £170).

The doctor vanished, but he hadn't bothered to reapply the boy's bandages, which meant the little lad was left with nothing to look at except his own thigh bone. An hour later, the painkillers arrived.

What the doctor was doing in between was going to a desk and sitting down. I watched him do it. He would go into a cubicle, be rude, cause the patient a bit of pain and then sit down again on the hospital's only chair.

Seven hours after the accident, in a country widely touted to be the safest and best in the world, he applied 16 stitches that couldn't have been less neat if he'd done them on a battlefield, with twigs. And then the anaesthetist arrived to wake the boy up. In French. This didn't work, so she went away to sit on the doctor's chair because he was in another cubicle bring rude and causing pain to someone else.

Now, I appreciate that any doctor who ends up working the night shift at a provincial hospital in Nowheresville is unlikely to be at the top of his game, and you can't judge a country's healthcare on his piss-poor performance. And nor should all of Canada be judged on Quebec, which is full of idealistic, language-Nazi lunatics.

But I can say this. If private treatment had been allowed, my friend would have paid for it. He would have received better service and in doing so, allowed Dr Useless to get to the woman with no face or ecstasy boy more quickly. Though I suspect he would have used our absence to spend more time sitting down.

The other thing I can say is that Britain's National Health Service is a monster that we can barely afford. But in all the times I've ever used the big, flawed giant, no one has ever pretended to be French, no one has spent more time swiping my credit card than ordering painkillers and there are many chairs."

Friday, October 30, 2009

The Resistance

After a glowing review from Brother Beck I borrowed the new Muse CD, The Resistance, from my brother (thanks Fathead).
The first song on the album is called Uprising and is face-meltingly catchy. The chorus is particularly fitting considering what is going on in Washington.
"They will not force us,
They will stop degrading us,
They will not control us,
We will be victorious"

So check out the video and sing along. Plus, how can you say no to teddy bears pretending to be Godzilla.

Friday, October 23, 2009

So sad

This is a tough one to swallow (easy pun with Bill Clinton involved). The former President, Bubba with the greatest basketball player of all-time, MJ right around the corner from the start of the NBA season, is there nothing sacred left in the world?

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

From bondage to faith, 
from faith to courage, 
from courage to liberty,       
from liberty to abundance,     
from abundance to complacency, 
from complacency to apathy,    
from apathy to dependence,
and from dependence back to bondage.       
-Alex Tyler

We're getting dangerously close to completing the circle of life. Are we having fun yet?

The Panacea

Friday, September 25, 2009

Are we, or are we not?

A question from a job application questionnaire with the federal government:

"Are you a member of any foreign or domestic organization, association, movement, group, or combination of persons which is totalitarian, fascist, communist, or subversive, or which has adopted, or shows a policy of advocating or approving the commission of acts of force or violence to deny other persons their rights under the Constitution of the United States, or which seeks to alter the form of Government of the U.S. by unconstitutional means?"

So wait, does the government support those philosophies, or don't they? I fear that soon, my U.S. citizenship, will force me to answer that question in the affirmative. And I wonder if I answered that question in the affirmative now, would my chances of getting a job with the federal government be greater? I don't know, I'm just thinking out loud.

I'm not saying that this country will soon be a communist state, or that being a communist makes it easier to get a job, but I'm not, not saying it either. What do you think Van Jones?

Friday, September 18, 2009

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Is it bad that I laughed?

I may need some sensitivity training.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Good news from DC!

I don't know if those words have ever been spoken before, but it's true, there is some good news from DC.  The Senate voted 83-7 in favor of cutting funding to ACORN.  Obviously good news, but something is still troubling as gateway pundit points out that there were 7 senators that felt that an organization that has been caught coaching people how to lie to the IRS and traffic child prostitution still needed government funding.  Those senators were Burris, Casey, Durbin, Gilibrand, Leahy, Saders, and Whitehouse. 
Why do I get the feeling that Lord Obama would have just voted "present"?

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Here's an idea...

Watch Al Franken do this all by himself.

Brought to you by Boing Boing.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Who said this?

"We will meet these challenges, not through big government. The era of big government is over."

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Is it too late to vote for the white guy?

Regardless of what you might think when the video first starts playing, it is not pornographic at all.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

The daily grind

From an article in the WSJ

Punching the Clock

Here's how long it takes several star athletes to make approximately $100,000, based on the amount of money they've earned this season.

Alex Rodriguez, MLB6 pitches
Ben Roethlisberger, NFL*4 snaps
Tiger Woods, golf11 holes
LeBron James, NBA*21 minutes
Roger Federer, tennis28 games
Tony Stewart, Nascar125 laps
Norm Duke, bowling*2,360 frames
*last full season

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Thanks for the laughs

I have been considering going to bat for the other team. Not like that you perverts.
I'm thinking about voting democrat from now on because of the endless supply of entertainment that they bring to the world. I have compiled a little list for your viewing pleasure.
  • When asked about the Air Force One flyover of NYC, the White House press secretary responds, "you'll have to check with the white house on that one" ummm, Gibbs, that would be you bud.
  • Barney Frank making fun of the people he represents. A woman asks why he is spporting a Nazi healthcare policy. He responds by asking what planet she spends most of her time on. Not sure Barney, but we all know you've been hanging around Uranus...
  • All the problems Barry has been having with his teleprompters going haywire. I just know Bush is somehow responsible for this one.
  • Bribing college students with class credit if they agree to spread Obama's agenda through Organizing for America, formerly Obama for America.
  • Pelosi claiming that town hall protestors are wearing swastikas. The only thing remotely close to this would be protestors that had signs with crossed out swastikas. Turns out they don't want a healthcare system that is modeled after Hitler's, whodathunk?
  • The liberal boycott of whole foods simply because the CEO doesn't agree with a government run healthcare. Those hippies are going to starve to death if this one happens.
  • Cash 4 Clunkers, nuff said.
  • Tax cheats writing the tax code and running the treasury.
  • Not reading the stimulus, cap and trade, and healthcare bills yet still voting for them.
  • Voting for the cap and trade bill before the darn thing was even written.
  • Senators demanding that military generals call them Senator Jane Doe, you know, cause they worked so hard for that title.
  • The Pelosi/Hoyer op-ed in USA Today saying that the town hall protestors were un-american because they sought to shut down opposition. Funny, back in 2006 she was a fan of disruptors, but only if they were anti-war protestors.
I'm sure there are many more kodak moments that the democrats have provided over the years, and I would just like to thank them from the bottom of my heart. You make me LOL and ROTFLMAO, keep it up!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Accurate Assessment

Go here to find yourself an accurate account of those on the left...

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Monday, June 29, 2009

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Drink it up

Some people like their kool aid extra strong.
Please, don't drink the kool aid.

Friday, June 19, 2009

That 4 looked like a 9; I swear it did

This is hilarious. You can find it here, or just read on:

Enron Capitalism

Feudalism: You have two cows. Your lord takes some of the milk.

Fascism: You have two cows. The government takes both, hires you to take care of them and sells you the milk.

Communism: You have two cows. You must take care of them, but the government takes all the

Capitalism: You have two cows. You sell one and buy a bull. Your herd multiplies, and the economy grows. You sell them and retire on the income.

Enron Capitalism: You have two cows. You sell three of them to your publicly listed company, using letters of credit opened by your brother-in-law at the bank, then execute a debt-equity swap with an associated general offer so that you get all four cows back, with a tax exemption for five cows. The milk rights of the six cows are transferred through an intermediary to a Cayman Island company secretly owned by the majority shareholder who sells the rights to all seven cows back to your listed company. The Enron annual report says the company owns eight cows, with an option on one more.

Cool temps in the north, heatwave in the south

Ok so this isn't a temperature map, it's a map of state by state credit scores. It is kind a depressing when you look at it.
Notice the bankruptcy belt from Nevada to Louisianna, I guess Utah isn't number 1 when it comes to bankruptcy filings.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Hey Ladies!!!!

I saw these pictures and felt that I would be doing you all a great disservice if I didn't share them.
To this list, I would like to add Leeann Tweeden and every stone cold fox on Fox news.

To this list, I would like to add the ladies of the view (sans Elisabeth Hasselbeck) and Rachel Maddow.

The choice is clear.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Thursday, June 11, 2009

The $787 Billion mistake

Forbes has a lovely article about the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act here.
Basically, the economy is slowly showing signs of improvement with the rate of job losses slowing, consumer spending increasing, and the stock market having recovered nearly 40% since March. The Congressional Budget Office is saying that only $37 Billion of the $787 Billion has been spent so far, so it is obvious that the recovery thus far isn't because of the ARRA stimulus.
I recall hearing our almighty teleprompter assure the nation that the only way to recovery was through this massive government stimulus, apparently that aint how it is going down. Recovery is coming because of the American spirit and free market principles. Whenever there is artificial growth, known as a bubble, the economy needs to readjust and shrink down to sustainable levels of growth.
There is no way of knowing if we are truly out of the woods in all this, but one thing is certain, if the government insists on spending the remaining $750 Billion there will be another crisis that we can't throw money at, a debt crisis.
The government needs to kill the ARRA before it is too late and drop the archaic Keynesian model of artificial government stimulus.

Hope and Change!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

A nugget from El Rushbo

I was listening to Rush this morning and he had a quick segment with some similarites and differences between God and Obama.
God doesn't have a birth cirtificate either
God doesn't think he's Obama
Liberals really love Obama

oh Rush, you harmless, lovealbe little fuzzball!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Spacial PC and crappy acting

What was the phrase? To boldly go where no what? has gone before. The original was 'man'. To boldly go where no man has gone before. Right? Look how far we've progressed. I just got back from seeing the new Star Trek movie. Great movie, by the way. Except that the Vulcans have moved in concert with the political winds. Yes. It is now, "to boldly go where no ONE has gone before." What the heck? Wouldn't want to offend. Also, Winona Ryder was Spock's mom. So not only was she made to look old, which didn't do her any favors, her horrible acting was ever present. (Needless to say, I wasn't disappointed when her character died. Scotty's beaming couldn't trump ugly looks and sub par acting. Oops. Did I ruin something.?)

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Gitmo no go

How well does President Bob (Barack OBama) respond to public opinion? Apparently his vocab is set to produce what ever is popular.  (Please see result of Nov '08 Presidential election and the tenets that produced said result.) Will he now follow the direction of the public opinion winds and cease his move to close Gitmo? Why don't you gallup on over here and see what America thinks about moving terrorist suspect to a prison near you.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Barry says the darndest things!

I think we should start a new segment called "Barry says the darndest things!"
What say you?
In his speech in Eqypt, Obama bin Barack said the following about the relationship between Muslims and Americans. "This cycle of suspicion and discord must end."
To that I reply, if you A-holes stop trying to kill us, we will stop being suspicious! Problem solved. I like the comment from one of the members of Guns 'N Roses when he was on Hannity, "We are trying to teach a bunch of oranges how to be better apples." Something tells me they don't want to stop trying to kill us.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

@timgeithner, LOL!

Tax-cheat tiny Tim Geithner was in China recently where he attempted to reassure the Chinese government that their American investments were safe. As you can guess from the title of this post, they literally laughed at him. Geithner also tried to say that no one is more concerned about the growing US deficit than the Obama administration. Ummm, I'm sorry, is this dude freaking serious? We need to get these pathological liars checked out ASAP and get them some professional help. Hope and Change! What a bunch of clowns.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Choices of Capitalism

God-given right: choice. A certain place, which is actually hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of places, demonstrates how that right intersects, and works in concert with, the freedoms of capitalism. I refer to:

A) Soviet Russia
B) Grocery Stores
C) The People's Republic of China
D) Somewhere that espouses Socialism, which restricts its subjects to a level of financial bondage and eventual bankruptcy.

I love grocery stores. At least multiple brands represent thousands of types of products from which to choose. The super market facilitates competition, optimizing prices, which is always good for the consumer. 

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Good thing I am lactose intolerant

In honor of the 44th President of the United States, Baskin-Robbins Ice Cream has introduced a new flavor: "Barocky Road." Barocky Road is a blend of half vanilla, half chocolate, and surrounded by nuts and flakes. The vanilla portion of the mix is not openly advertised and usually denied as an ingredient. The nuts and flakes are all very bitter and hard to swallow. The cost is $100.00 per scoop. When purchased it will be presented to you in a large beautiful cone, but then the ice cream is taken away and given to the person in line behind you. You are left with an empty wallet and no change, holding an empty cone with no hope of getting any ice cream. Are you stimulated?

Take that, PC.

We're currently running a promotion at work (I work at a credit union) to invite members to stop receiving paper statements and access them online. (We're not acquiescing to Big Al.) We often use the verbage, "Do you want to disable your paper statements?" One of my co-workers, upon cancelling a certain member's statements pronounced, "You are now disabled." Classic!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

From the Reagan Diaries

Wednesday, February 11 (1981)

"Intelligence reports say Castro is very worried about me. I'm very worried that we can't come up with something to justify his worrying."

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

A Lesson from the Mormons

The answer is a flat tax. As most familiar with the religion know, members of the LDS faith pay 10 percent of their annual increase to the Church as tithing. That money goes to building temples, meeting houses, stake houses (not steak houses...mmmm steak), printing Books of Mormon and all the other materials that the Church uses. Regardless of income amount, roughly 13 million members pay the same portion of their income, and the economic growth--let alone the spiritual growth--of the Church has grown astronomically. Without certainty of any empirical data, an LDS temple costs several million dollars to build. Imagine if 300+ million U.S. citizens were paying the same portion of their income in taxes. What could be accomplished? That all depends, I guess, on whose running the system: Turbo Tax Guru Tiny Tim of the Elven Folk need not apply.

Congratulations Comrades!

Yes, yes. Congratulations to those who are steering this ship. We've effectively fulfilled Chuck Schumer's words and have destroyed traditional values. When Ford is compared to the intelligent homeowner who prudently saved to be able to pay its mortgage, and GM and Chrysler are compared to Ford's spendthrift neighbors whose mortgages will be reduced by being paid by some federal program, and in the same sentence Ford is chided for not taking federal money, we can know that the moral status quo has changed in favor of the other guys.

Irresponsibility is now rewarded, and prudence is now outdated and old fashioned.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Happy Belated Earth Day


Friday, May 1, 2009

Justice for libs

Anyone else excited to see who Barry will appoint to the supreme court? Didn't think so.
Well at least we have a few ways to figure out who it might be. We just need to find all the judges that haven't paid taxes and we'll know that they are on Barry's short list of nominees.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Monkey see, monkey do.

After years of being compared to Bush, it looks like our monkey has a new friend.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Pirate Booty

No. I'm not going to write about Somali pirates, though I think they should burn. I'm talking about the booty our own government pirates get away with to fund their profligate spending. The tax system is an effective tool to either bolster the economy, or destroy it. Examples of destruction due to the misuse of the tax system are manifest in the presidencies of LBJ, Nixon and Carter, among others.

According to the Office of Management and Budget, the spending budget grew 61% between 1965 and 1969. This was during ever unpopular Vietnam War. On top of spending on guns, the LBJ Administration began increasing spending on "butter", or social programs known as the Great Society. Of course to fund this, higher taxes seemed to be the panacea. Art Laffer (The Laffer Curve) would disagree.

Then there's Nixon. Milton Friedman was once asked who the worst economically minded president was. Nixon was the answer.

Oh then there's Carter. He's famous for the energy crisis he created in the 70s. The price controls and the windfall profits taxes he instituted on "big oil" diminished domestic oil production, increased demand for oil in the U.S., and increased reliance on foreign oil. Sounds like a safe national security measure, right? I mean, gas prices jumped and we became slaves to foreign oil sheiks and cartels. Glory, hallelujah!

If liberal Dems are allow to captain the ship and steer her in the same direction as these clowns, we may as well subject ourselves to Somali pirates. In the immortal words of Captain Jack Sparrow: "STOP BLOWING HOLES IN MY SHIP!!!"

Sunday, April 19, 2009

This or That?

Are you a sensible liberal protester or some whacked out conservative god and gun clinging extremist that is on every government list possible? This simple chart will help you decide which category best describes your political agenda. Just click the picture to view the hi-res version and decide for yourself.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Janeane Garofalo is mentally challenged

I'm officially boycotting anything this beast is involved with, including 24. Sorry Jack.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Happy Tax Day!

See the inspiration for the picture here

And happy birthday to my mom.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Monday, April 13, 2009

Out of the TARPy tar pit

Goldman Sachs today reported Q1 earnings that were higher-than-expected. The earnings report showed a net of $1.81 billion. Because of this, GS is planning a public offering of common shares that would yield an estimated $5 billion in cash inflows. Their plan is to repay the government that lent them billions of dollars and slip out of their grip. What a victory!

Maybe I was wrong. Perhaps the government will be the entity hailed as the conquering hero. Because of the Fed's tough stipulations imposed on firms receiving TARP money, maybe other firms will follow GS's lead by working more efficiently to post net profits, repay the government, and free themselves from bondage. Only after that will things be business as usual, and business as it should be.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Billy Mays here!

I often find myself getting very angry with some commercials that I see or hear, and as a result of this there are many products that I refuse to buy and stores that I will never grace with my presence.

Low Book Sales - I have hated their radio jingles since the day I moved to Utah. In fact, I have a friend who bought a car from them and we have deemed it necessary to shower him with punches whenever we hear one of their commercials.

Billy Mays - This man has pimped himself out more than Tony Little, and that's saying something.

Vince Shlomi - AKA Billy Mays jr. I won't be saying shamwow and I will not be slap chopping my way to a healthier life. The fact that this dude was just involved in an altercation with a prostitute doesn't bode well for my future slap chop purchases.

Jared - This "He" will not be going to Jared The Galleria of Jewelry. I'm not sure why, but I can't stand these commercials.

Snuggies - I like saying the word "snuggies" but I'm not a wizard, so I won't be caught wearing one anytime soon.

Quiznos - Their new torpedo commercial has a few too many homosexual innuendos for my liking.

Let me know if I'm forgetting any winners.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

We're screwed

It's official, the Obama administration has gone mad with power and we're headed down a path that will make Hugo Chavez look like Ronald Regan. There was a recent opinion piece in the journal stating that Barry Hussein is actually rejecting the return of TARP funds from banks that are of some prestige. One particular bank has been sitting on the cash for months, wanting to write a check including interest, trying to return the nearly billion dollars it got from the government. The Obama administrations response? There will be adverse consequences if the Chairman persists in his efforts to return the taxpayer's money.
Why in the world would the government reject the return of taxpayer funds? It's simple, Stuart Varney says it is because they want to directly control the financial system, and I think he's 100% spot on. Barry just flexed his pimp-hand with GM by firing their CEO. Isn't this the responsibility of the board members? Couple that with the passing of the Pay for Performance bill that gives tiny Tim Geithner the power to set the pay for any employee that works for a company that has received government funds. Then there is the story from Bloomberg  where Geithner says that they are prepared to do more of what was done at GM and oust the senior management and board of any company that receives government assistance.
Simply put, the America you and I love is on life support and Barry and his cronies are itching to pull the plug. Yes comrades, change is coming to America!
I suggest you to head on over to MSNBC and give Barry a grade for his stellar job.

Friday, April 3, 2009

I'm blaming the TiVo/DVR

I'm going Freakonomics on us here. However, unlike me, they are good at drawing connections between everyday occurrences and the hidden things that catalyze those events. But I will try.

We are currently in an economic downturn. No surprise there. And the easy and probably more correct target at which to point the finger of blame is Barack Obama. But let's not be so superficial. I blame prerecording our favorite TV shows to watch them later because of our busy lifestyles.

The best TV shows are arguable during prime-time. It goes without saying that the best TV commercial spots for marketers to buy are during those shows. Fast-forwarding through commercials decreases customer awareness and stifles firms' exposure. The real catalyst for economic growth, the effectiveness and efficiency of businesses, is doused and the economy suffers.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


So I was perusing some random blogs of people I went to high school with and I came across a funny post about Obama. This was from back in November when Barry Hussein was elected. And I quote...
"Wow this country has come a long way! We are going to have our first African American president. I am sure most of the people in Utah were hoping McCain would be president, well at least we won't have to pay as much taxes!! Hopefully this tax plan can get us out of this huge deficit hole. Lets all pray that everything will be ok and eventually get better! "
When I read this I literally LOL'ed all over myself. Wow, simply stunning.
Hope and change and all that other crap!

Monday, March 30, 2009

It's beginning to look a lot like...Christmas?!?

After waking up this morning, I wanted nothing more than for Al Gore to be right about global warming. There is something unsettling about waking up on March 30th to four inches of snow. Luckily, Al is making a sequel to his Oscar winning nail-biter, surprisingly though, this one is about climate change and climate crisis (notice the term global warming is nowhere to be found) and will no doubt explain why its getting colder when he said it wasn't supposed to.
Fear not global warmists! Al Gore is doing his part to turn global warming into a self-fulfilling prophecy. You may or may not have known that Saturday night between 8:30 and 9:30 PM was earth hour, a time dedicated to turning off lights in support of the environment and to cut down on greenhouse gases.
Here is a firsthand account of someone who drove past Al's house in the middle of earth hour to find that the lights were on.  Bravo Al, now go hop on your private jet to spread the word about how we can reduce our carbon footprints!

I'm cold

Today we woke up to some pretty low degree weather. In other words...IT WAS COLD!!! Four to five inches of snow covered my car and by the time I made it up the street to leave my neighborhood, my tires had slipped at least six times on the ice. And today is not the last day of this storm. Meteorologists say to expect winter the rest of the week. It's got to be global warming, right? I was miserable this morning and I'm blaming Al Gore groupies and their climate change rhetoric.

Let's assume there is a type of climate change happening, and it's caused by us humans. Said groupies are blaming human activity for the changes. They are accusing people like me who don't do anything to prevent global warming. We can assume that the freedom fighters of climate change would never do anything to contribute to the warming. So there are two types of people on this planet: those who cause global warming, and those who don't. Since these geeks are not causing global warming, I will vehemently accuse them of causing global cooling. STOP IT ALREADY!!! I CAN'T FEEL MY FINGERS!!!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Sound familiar?

Someone needs to smack 0bama upside the head and deliver the same message to him.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

More bonus hullabaloo!!!

You may recall that I posted recently about the uproar regarding the AIG bonuses. It appears that over the weekend there were quite a few people who gathered outside the homes of some AIG executives to protest the bonuses. It is being reported that the group behind the protests in ACORN.
Ironic when you remember that ACORN also received government funds with the stimulus bill.

Dear kettle,
You are black.
-Love pot

Monday, March 23, 2009

The end of partisan bickering?

Could it be?

I think so...

Friday, March 20, 2009

Save us oh mighty teleprompter

I'm starting to think that Obama should have a teleprompter installed in his retina because whenever he tries to speak without one, bad things happen.
First, he tells the good people of America that there are 57 states in the US and now he is making fun of people with special needs.
Maybe Obama is the one with special needs.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

the economics of combo meals

I have a vice, it goes by the name of McDonalds. Stop judging me, my wife already does enough of that in relation to this vice. There was a time when I scorned McDonalds just like everyone else out there, but there came a point when I had to stop living a lie and give in to the special sauce and two all-beef patties.

I've come to the harsh realization that buying menu items ala carte is quite spendy. I recently purchased a Big Mac and a large fry which cost $5.37. Another recent (no, I'm not going to divulge how recent) purchase was a Big Mac combo, with a large fry and large drink which cost a scant $4.95 in comparison.

This tells me that their margins on fries and drinks are so high that when you purchase them together they can afford to charge lower prices and the consumer gets a much better deal. Had I purchased the combo ala carte it would have been closer to $7.

So when you go to McDonalds, do the right thing and get a combo.

Dave wants me to post... here goes.

I think this country is better off than the news tends to portray. Sure, large banks and other firms have seen their stock prices take a veritable free fall which has led to a mass decline in equity for securities holders; people who have been trusted with large sums of cash have had their behind-the-scenes practices exploited as unethical and illegal; the government wants to destroy private charitable giving (rumor has it) by reducing the charitable deduction and replacing the private giving with forced redistribution through the tax system (see post script below); there is a heightened level of fear, which has made Barack Obama the top gun salesperson of the year, etc.

Despite those facts, America is still great! Why? We have one of the most sacred documents mankind has ever realized; the U.S. Constitution. Therein, Americans are ensured their God-given, and inalienable rights that make living any where outside the U.S pale in comparison to living within Her borders. I can worship freely without fear of being hunted down and killed; I can own and bear arms as a right to protect myself; I have rights to personal property that I, MYSELF, have worked hard to obtain. No one can take that away. AMERICA IS GREAT! FREEDOM!!! (Thanks William Wallace)

P.S. Jon Huntsman Sr. gives 100% of his salary to charity. Under the current tax system for itemized deductions, Mr. Huntsman can write-off all of that and therefore, pay no income tax. If Mr. Obama succeeds in changing the tax law, one of two things will happen: 1) Mr. Huntsman will still donate his entire salary to charity, and then have to come up with money to pay income taxes or, 2) Mr. Huntsman will reduce the amount he donates to retain those funds to pay income taxes. You're doing a great thing Mr. Obama :-P

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The bonus tug-of-war

I'm somewhat torn on this issue. I don't think the government has any place meddling in business. I am generally of the school of thought that if a company needs government assistance, something has gone awry. I am fully aware that these bonuses are being paid because the company is bound by contract, but I also understand how the public and the D.C. warriors are up in arms about the whole issue. After all, without the government offering assistance these employees wouldn't have been getting bonuses from a company gone bankrupt.
This is where things get a tad scary. Congress is now introducing bills that would tax any bonus amount above $100,000 at a rate of 100% if the company has received federal bailout money.
Senator Chris Dodd said "One way or another, we're going to try to figure out how to get these resources back," Senator Tim Ryan added that they would use "Any means necessary".
With the amount of greed that got these companies in this situation, the government should have known that something like this was going to happen, but again we see a lack of accountability and enforcement on what companies could and couldn't do with bailout funds.
Some companies are even using boosting base compensation levels to get around the 100% marginal tax rate on bonuses.
I'm afraid of what this means for the future of American businesses and how much control Washington really has.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Government Accountability

According to politifact, Barry Hussein made 514 campaign promises. Obama said that he wants the American people to keep him accountable so that is why politifact made their truth-o-meter. They track the promises that he has kept, broken, and made compromises on.

Truthfully, there are a lot of promises that I hope he breaks like that whole marxist wealth-spreading kick he is on.

There are a few promises that have already been broken like the one where he promised at least 5 days of public comment on any bill that he plans on signing. Oh, then there is that promise to keep lobbyists out of his cabinet.

We can't forget the whole earmark issue either, considering he just signed a spending bill with nearly 9000 earmarks. I find it cute that he blamed that one on Bush because it was a bill from last year. Earth to Barry, you're the big cheese now, it's time to grow a set and step up to the plate.

To be fair there are a few promises that he has kept. Like the promise to get his daughters a puppy, and the promise to close gitmo, yay!

Following is the link for politifact's truth-o-meter

Friday, March 13, 2009

Reality bites

The good word is reporting that Obama's latest poll numbers are at the same level that President Bush's were in 2001. Given his astronomical popularity, could it be that the America is experiencing a bit of buyers remorse?

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Princess Pelosi is a precious resource

"This leadership team will create the most honest, most open, and most ethical Congress in history" - Speaker-Elect Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), Press Release, November 16, 2006

Or in other words, open mouth and insert foot.

Recent findings report that Ms. Ethics herself has made a habit of requesting, nay, demanding use of Air Force jets to make trips around the country. Kind of funny when you remember that she campaigned on the promise to clean up the GOP's waste of taxpayer dollars and to end the era of congressional elitism.

The aircraft that madame speaker has grown accustomed to using is the same that takes the Vice President and First Lady around the country. The reported cost to taxpayers is around $15,000 per hour which equates to $300,000 for her to take a trip to sunny San Francisco.

Madame Botox doesn't fly commercial and won't take the smaller commuter jet that the former speaker took is because it isn't big enough to fit her staff, supporters, and other members of her California delegation. There is also a concern that the smaller jet would have to stop to refuel which would create certain inefficiencies. Hmmmmmm, I say the less time she spends doing her job the better.

The devil in Prada recently requested use of the military jet to fly to Williamsburg, VA for some sort of commie party. Seriously? I served my mission in that area, Williamsburg is a 2.5 hour drive from D.C.!

Here are some of my favorite quotes from her staff to the military when they were notified that the aircraft wouldn't be available.
"This is not good news, and we will have some very disappointed folks, as well as a very upset Speaker."
"It is my understanding there are NO G5s available for the House during the Memorial Day recess. This is totally unacceptable ... The Speaker will want to know where the planes are,"
One implied threat from the patriot Jack Murtha who is on the committee that controls the Pentagons money, "You want money for the Iraq war? You better give the speaker her plane."

I feel all warm and fuzzy inside that this beast is just two heartbeats away from the presidency.

I'm sure O'Reilly would agree with me when I say that Nancy Pelosi is a pinhead.

Sourced from NY Post and Fox News

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Monday, March 9, 2009

From the Left?

I was largely taken by surprise to read the following at the end of this article from the Wall Street Journal:

"Mr. Bayh, a Democratic senator from Indiana, served as governor of Indiana from 1989 to 1997." (Italics added for emphasis.)

Could there really be more common sense coming from the left side of the isle than we originally thought? I don't much like surprises (save birthdays), but this one was pleasantly received. Mr. Bayh is exactly right in saying that "the solution going forward is to stop wasteful spending before it starts. Families and businesses are tightening their belts to make ends meet--and Washington should too." Click on the link in the first paragraph of this post to read the full article.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Dear Hippies

This is a continuation of my post here,

Dear Hippies, next time you decide to get together to protest coal technology and global warming, you may want to do it on a day that isn't freezing cold and snowing.  Once again, we're all LOLing at you.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Did Barry kill Dow Jones?

Business Week has an interesting story that shows a timeline of events next to the movements of the market. They aren't necessarily saying that he caused the decline in stocks, but they're not not saying it either...

Monday, March 2, 2009


Below is one of my favorite pictures of the annointed one, I find that it is rather appropriate.

This inspired me to make a picture of my own using an actual leader, I give you "Reaganomics"

I found another using google image search

Friday, February 27, 2009

Quote of the day

"Have I stepped through a worm hole and come out in France."--Glenn Beck

(After showing on his TV show that most Americans--based on a poll--think they should rely on the government for food, health care, housing and employment.)

Thursday, February 26, 2009


Mr. Obama is like a chicken sandwich from McDonald's. He looks tasty, but once you bite into and endorse him, he will explode and the hot juices will burn you. (Any questions about where this analogy derived from should be directed to David Smith. And if you don't know him, I'll explain.)

p.s. I hope my TWG colleagues don't strip my admin privileges for posting too much.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Clouded head

I was walking across campus today on the way back to my car, which happened to be quite the hike (I'm out-of-shape). I was actually able to walk across some grass without getting my feet wet. I got all sorts of excited about Spring and Summer. I just wish these global warming (Oh, excuse me. I think the term is climate change) geeks were right so all this snow would melt faster. I just want to walk across grass more often (And when I say grass, I don't mean grass. I'm no hippie.)

Monday, February 23, 2009

Ezra Taft Benson

Now that I have a concentrated outlet to fume, I may not stop. This inspired man talked about the dangers of socialism and communism a couple of decades ago, and warned that it would not be long before we as Americans lived under their bondage. Are we not seeing this happening right this moment? Check out the video by clicking here.

If you can listen to this and still ask yourself what is wrong with socialism, I would submit that you don't have it in you to work to improve your own life, to think for yourself or defend yourself when times are hard. And if your safety net is the federal government, you might want to ask yourself when a politician actually did something that wasn't primarily in his or her own best interest, and instead truly and sincerely did their job to protect you.

A couple of highlights from the sound clip:

1) Collectivized socialism is a counterfeit system of what God's plan is.
2) Communism in practice, is socialism.
3) Its purpose is world socialism, which is achieved through revolution by the communists, and through evolution by the socialists.
4) Both philosophies lead to the same thing: a loss of personal liberty.
5) Socialism cannot work unless it is within an all-powerful State. (SCARY!!!) That State has to be superior in everything.
6) Congress, back then was establishing a redistribution of wealth through the tax system. That, by definition, is socialism.
7) Welfare is no longer a charity. It is a right. We think we are entitled to the government's aid.
8) If we continue to follow the trend we are heading today (in 1977), two things will inevitably result: 1) a loss of our personal freedom, and 2) financial bankruptcy. (YIPPEE!!!)

My Obama top ten

Rather than focusing on how much the new administration scares the crap out of me, I decided it would be better to make a list of the benefits of the Obama bin Biden presidency, please to enjoy.

The power of the chosen one is enough to heal a disabled state senator

Joe Biden is the Stimulus czar...

Fiscal responsibility meetings one week after signing a 787 Billion stimulus bill

We finally get to spread the wealth around and punish those evil swine that make more than 250K, or is that 200K.  

We wont have to worry about working to put gas in our car or paying our mortgages.

Possible cabinet positions for patriots like Bill Ayers, Jeremiah Wright, and Tony Rezko.  At the rate the other nominees are dropping out, these guys may have to pinch hit.  

Rock  solid endorsements from Hugo Chavez and Louis Farrakahn.  

The geographic expansion of the United States from the current 50 states to 57 states, plus the 2 that he hasn’t been to, Alaska and Hawaii. 

Fun words like Obamanomics.  

The return of eloquence to the white house. 

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Bold, and Fresh (sorry O'Reilly)

'Tis true. We opine that this country is being taken over, from within. When folks like Sean Penn start calling themselves commie homos, we should be concerned. Dave invited me to contribute to this masterpiece and hopefully what I do contribute might be something of value to ward off Hollywood "role models" who constantly find themselves with mouths full of their own feet. 

The views and opinions we share might seem a little old fashioned. We're proud of it because it doesn't get any more old fashioned than what the Founding Fathers based this country on. Please be careful when listening to, or reading what the ideologues have to say because you might one day find yourselves unable to think for yourself. 

welcome, fasten your safety belts

Welcome to token white guys.  I was thinking the other day that it would be nearly impossible for me to be any whiter than I already am, and I have some friends who are the same.  So I figured, why not start a blog for us to let the world know just how white we really are.
Be warned that the ensuing  posts will be very witty, very pro-capitalism, and very politically conservative.
Thanks for your love and support.
-The management