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Monday, March 30, 2009

It's beginning to look a lot like...Christmas?!?

After waking up this morning, I wanted nothing more than for Al Gore to be right about global warming. There is something unsettling about waking up on March 30th to four inches of snow. Luckily, Al is making a sequel to his Oscar winning nail-biter, surprisingly though, this one is about climate change and climate crisis (notice the term global warming is nowhere to be found) and will no doubt explain why its getting colder when he said it wasn't supposed to.
Fear not global warmists! Al Gore is doing his part to turn global warming into a self-fulfilling prophecy. You may or may not have known that Saturday night between 8:30 and 9:30 PM was earth hour, a time dedicated to turning off lights in support of the environment and to cut down on greenhouse gases.
Here is a firsthand account of someone who drove past Al's house in the middle of earth hour to find that the lights were on.  Bravo Al, now go hop on your private jet to spread the word about how we can reduce our carbon footprints!

1 comment:

  1. Why didn't I know about Earth Hour? I would have turned on all my lights.
