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Saturday, March 14, 2009

Government Accountability

According to politifact, Barry Hussein made 514 campaign promises. Obama said that he wants the American people to keep him accountable so that is why politifact made their truth-o-meter. They track the promises that he has kept, broken, and made compromises on.

Truthfully, there are a lot of promises that I hope he breaks like that whole marxist wealth-spreading kick he is on.

There are a few promises that have already been broken like the one where he promised at least 5 days of public comment on any bill that he plans on signing. Oh, then there is that promise to keep lobbyists out of his cabinet.

We can't forget the whole earmark issue either, considering he just signed a spending bill with nearly 9000 earmarks. I find it cute that he blamed that one on Bush because it was a bill from last year. Earth to Barry, you're the big cheese now, it's time to grow a set and step up to the plate.

To be fair there are a few promises that he has kept. Like the promise to get his daughters a puppy, and the promise to close gitmo, yay!

Following is the link for politifact's truth-o-meter

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