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Saturday, August 22, 2009

Thanks for the laughs

I have been considering going to bat for the other team. Not like that you perverts.
I'm thinking about voting democrat from now on because of the endless supply of entertainment that they bring to the world. I have compiled a little list for your viewing pleasure.
  • When asked about the Air Force One flyover of NYC, the White House press secretary responds, "you'll have to check with the white house on that one" ummm, Gibbs, that would be you bud.
  • Barney Frank making fun of the people he represents. A woman asks why he is spporting a Nazi healthcare policy. He responds by asking what planet she spends most of her time on. Not sure Barney, but we all know you've been hanging around Uranus...
  • All the problems Barry has been having with his teleprompters going haywire. I just know Bush is somehow responsible for this one.
  • Bribing college students with class credit if they agree to spread Obama's agenda through Organizing for America, formerly Obama for America.
  • Pelosi claiming that town hall protestors are wearing swastikas. The only thing remotely close to this would be protestors that had signs with crossed out swastikas. Turns out they don't want a healthcare system that is modeled after Hitler's, whodathunk?
  • The liberal boycott of whole foods simply because the CEO doesn't agree with a government run healthcare. Those hippies are going to starve to death if this one happens.
  • Cash 4 Clunkers, nuff said.
  • Tax cheats writing the tax code and running the treasury.
  • Not reading the stimulus, cap and trade, and healthcare bills yet still voting for them.
  • Voting for the cap and trade bill before the darn thing was even written.
  • Senators demanding that military generals call them Senator Jane Doe, you know, cause they worked so hard for that title.
  • The Pelosi/Hoyer op-ed in USA Today saying that the town hall protestors were un-american because they sought to shut down opposition. Funny, back in 2006 she was a fan of disruptors, but only if they were anti-war protestors.
I'm sure there are many more kodak moments that the democrats have provided over the years, and I would just like to thank them from the bottom of my heart. You make me LOL and ROTFLMAO, keep it up!

1 comment:

  1. all great point of notice, dave.

    gibbs- everytime cracks me up....he is the most pathetic white house press sec. i have ever seen!
