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Friday, April 3, 2009

I'm blaming the TiVo/DVR

I'm going Freakonomics on us here. However, unlike me, they are good at drawing connections between everyday occurrences and the hidden things that catalyze those events. But I will try.

We are currently in an economic downturn. No surprise there. And the easy and probably more correct target at which to point the finger of blame is Barack Obama. But let's not be so superficial. I blame prerecording our favorite TV shows to watch them later because of our busy lifestyles.

The best TV shows are arguable during prime-time. It goes without saying that the best TV commercial spots for marketers to buy are during those shows. Fast-forwarding through commercials decreases customer awareness and stifles firms' exposure. The real catalyst for economic growth, the effectiveness and efficiency of businesses, is doused and the economy suffers.

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