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Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Spacial PC and crappy acting

What was the phrase? To boldly go where no what? has gone before. The original was 'man'. To boldly go where no man has gone before. Right? Look how far we've progressed. I just got back from seeing the new Star Trek movie. Great movie, by the way. Except that the Vulcans have moved in concert with the political winds. Yes. It is now, "to boldly go where no ONE has gone before." What the heck? Wouldn't want to offend. Also, Winona Ryder was Spock's mom. So not only was she made to look old, which didn't do her any favors, her horrible acting was ever present. (Needless to say, I wasn't disappointed when her character died. Scotty's beaming couldn't trump ugly looks and sub par acting. Oops. Did I ruin something.?)

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