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Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Dave wants me to post... here goes.

I think this country is better off than the news tends to portray. Sure, large banks and other firms have seen their stock prices take a veritable free fall which has led to a mass decline in equity for securities holders; people who have been trusted with large sums of cash have had their behind-the-scenes practices exploited as unethical and illegal; the government wants to destroy private charitable giving (rumor has it) by reducing the charitable deduction and replacing the private giving with forced redistribution through the tax system (see post script below); there is a heightened level of fear, which has made Barack Obama the top gun salesperson of the year, etc.

Despite those facts, America is still great! Why? We have one of the most sacred documents mankind has ever realized; the U.S. Constitution. Therein, Americans are ensured their God-given, and inalienable rights that make living any where outside the U.S pale in comparison to living within Her borders. I can worship freely without fear of being hunted down and killed; I can own and bear arms as a right to protect myself; I have rights to personal property that I, MYSELF, have worked hard to obtain. No one can take that away. AMERICA IS GREAT! FREEDOM!!! (Thanks William Wallace)

P.S. Jon Huntsman Sr. gives 100% of his salary to charity. Under the current tax system for itemized deductions, Mr. Huntsman can write-off all of that and therefore, pay no income tax. If Mr. Obama succeeds in changing the tax law, one of two things will happen: 1) Mr. Huntsman will still donate his entire salary to charity, and then have to come up with money to pay income taxes or, 2) Mr. Huntsman will reduce the amount he donates to retain those funds to pay income taxes. You're doing a great thing Mr. Obama :-P

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