Monday, March 30, 2009
It's beginning to look a lot like...Christmas?!?
Fear not global warmists! Al Gore is doing his part to turn global warming into a self-fulfilling prophecy. You may or may not have known that Saturday night between 8:30 and 9:30 PM was earth hour, a time dedicated to turning off lights in support of the environment and to cut down on greenhouse gases.
Here is a firsthand account of someone who drove past Al's house in the middle of earth hour to find that the lights were on. Bravo Al, now go hop on your private jet to spread the word about how we can reduce our carbon footprints!
I'm cold
Let's assume there is a type of climate change happening, and it's caused by us humans. Said groupies are blaming human activity for the changes. They are accusing people like me who don't do anything to prevent global warming. We can assume that the freedom fighters of climate change would never do anything to contribute to the warming. So there are two types of people on this planet: those who cause global warming, and those who don't. Since these geeks are not causing global warming, I will vehemently accuse them of causing global cooling. STOP IT ALREADY!!! I CAN'T FEEL MY FINGERS!!!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
More bonus hullabaloo!!!
Ironic when you remember that ACORN also received government funds with the stimulus bill.
Dear kettle,
You are black.
-Love pot
Monday, March 23, 2009
Friday, March 20, 2009
Save us oh mighty teleprompter
First, he tells the good people of America that there are 57 states in the US and now he is making fun of people with special needs.
Maybe Obama is the one with special needs.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
the economics of combo meals
I've come to the harsh realization that buying menu items ala carte is quite spendy. I recently purchased a Big Mac and a large fry which cost $5.37. Another recent (no, I'm not going to divulge how recent) purchase was a Big Mac combo, with a large fry and large drink which cost a scant $4.95 in comparison.
This tells me that their margins on fries and drinks are so high that when you purchase them together they can afford to charge lower prices and the consumer gets a much better deal. Had I purchased the combo ala carte it would have been closer to $7.
So when you go to McDonalds, do the right thing and get a combo.
Dave wants me to post...
I think this country is better off than the news tends to portray. Sure, large banks and other firms have seen their stock prices take a veritable free fall which has led to a mass decline in equity for securities holders; people who have been trusted with large sums of cash have had their behind-the-scenes practices exploited as unethical and illegal; the government wants to destroy private charitable giving (rumor has it) by reducing the charitable deduction and replacing the private giving with forced redistribution through the tax system (see post script below); there is a heightened level of fear, which has made Barack Obama the top gun salesperson of the year, etc.
Despite those facts, America is still great! Why? We have one of the most sacred documents mankind has ever realized; the U.S. Constitution. Therein, Americans are ensured their God-given, and inalienable rights that make living any where outside the U.S pale in comparison to living within Her borders. I can worship freely without fear of being hunted down and killed; I can own and bear arms as a right to protect myself; I have rights to personal property that I, MYSELF, have worked hard to obtain. No one can take that away. AMERICA IS GREAT! FREEDOM!!! (Thanks William Wallace)
P.S. Jon Huntsman Sr. gives 100% of his salary to charity. Under the current tax system for itemized deductions, Mr. Huntsman can write-off all of that and therefore, pay no income tax. If Mr. Obama succeeds in changing the tax law, one of two things will happen: 1) Mr. Huntsman will still donate his entire salary to charity, and then have to come up with money to pay income taxes or, 2) Mr. Huntsman will reduce the amount he donates to retain those funds to pay income taxes. You're doing a great thing Mr. Obama :-P
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
The bonus tug-of-war
This is where things get a tad scary. Congress is now introducing bills that would tax any bonus amount above $100,000 at a rate of 100% if the company has received federal bailout money.
Senator Chris Dodd said "One way or another, we're going to try to figure out how to get these resources back," Senator Tim Ryan added that they would use "Any means necessary".
With the amount of greed that got these companies in this situation, the government should have known that something like this was going to happen, but again we see a lack of accountability and enforcement on what companies could and couldn't do with bailout funds.
Some companies are even using boosting base compensation levels to get around the 100% marginal tax rate on bonuses.
I'm afraid of what this means for the future of American businesses and how much control Washington really has.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Government Accountability
According to politifact, Barry Hussein made 514 campaign promises. Obama said that he wants the American people to keep him accountable so that is why politifact made their truth-o-meter. They track the promises that he has kept, broken, and made compromises on.
Truthfully, there are a lot of promises that I hope he breaks like that whole marxist wealth-spreading kick he is on.
There are a few promises that have already been broken like the one where he promised at least 5 days of public comment on any bill that he plans on signing. Oh, then there is that promise to keep lobbyists out of his cabinet.
We can't forget the whole earmark issue either, considering he just signed a spending bill with nearly 9000 earmarks. I find it cute that he blamed that one on Bush because it was a bill from last year. Earth to Barry, you're the big cheese now, it's time to grow a set and step up to the plate.
To be fair there are a few promises that he has kept. Like the promise to get his daughters a puppy, and the promise to close gitmo, yay!
Following is the link for politifact's truth-o-meter
Friday, March 13, 2009
Reality bites
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Princess Pelosi is a precious resource

"This leadership team will create the most honest, most open, and most ethical Congress in history" - Speaker-Elect Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), Press Release, November 16, 2006
Or in other words, open mouth and insert foot.
Recent findings report that Ms. Ethics herself has made a habit of requesting, nay, demanding use of Air Force jets to make trips around the country. Kind of funny when you remember that she campaigned on the promise to clean up the GOP's waste of taxpayer dollars and to end the era of congressional elitism.
The aircraft that madame speaker has grown accustomed to using is the same that takes the Vice President and First Lady around the country. The reported cost to taxpayers is around $15,000 per hour which equates to $300,000 for her to take a trip to sunny San Francisco.
Madame Botox doesn't fly commercial and won't take the smaller commuter jet that the former speaker took is because it isn't big enough to fit her staff, supporters, and other members of her California delegation. There is also a concern that the smaller jet would have to stop to refuel which would create certain inefficiencies. Hmmmmmm, I say the less time she spends doing her job the better.
The devil in Prada recently requested use of the military jet to fly to Williamsburg, VA for some sort of commie party. Seriously? I served my mission in that area, Williamsburg is a 2.5 hour drive from D.C.!
Here are some of my favorite quotes from her staff to the military when they were notified that the aircraft wouldn't be available.
"This is not good news, and we will have some very disappointed folks, as well as a very upset Speaker."
"It is my understanding there are NO G5s available for the House during the Memorial Day recess. This is totally unacceptable ... The Speaker will want to know where the planes are,"
One implied threat from the patriot Jack Murtha who is on the committee that controls the Pentagons money, "You want money for the Iraq war? You better give the speaker her plane."
I feel all warm and fuzzy inside that this beast is just two heartbeats away from the presidency.
I'm sure O'Reilly would agree with me when I say that Nancy Pelosi is a pinhead.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Monday, March 9, 2009
From the Left?
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Dear Hippies

Thursday, March 5, 2009
Did Barry kill Dow Jones?