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Friday, February 27, 2009

Quote of the day

"Have I stepped through a worm hole and come out in France."--Glenn Beck

(After showing on his TV show that most Americans--based on a poll--think they should rely on the government for food, health care, housing and employment.)

Thursday, February 26, 2009


Mr. Obama is like a chicken sandwich from McDonald's. He looks tasty, but once you bite into and endorse him, he will explode and the hot juices will burn you. (Any questions about where this analogy derived from should be directed to David Smith. And if you don't know him, I'll explain.)

p.s. I hope my TWG colleagues don't strip my admin privileges for posting too much.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Clouded head

I was walking across campus today on the way back to my car, which happened to be quite the hike (I'm out-of-shape). I was actually able to walk across some grass without getting my feet wet. I got all sorts of excited about Spring and Summer. I just wish these global warming (Oh, excuse me. I think the term is climate change) geeks were right so all this snow would melt faster. I just want to walk across grass more often (And when I say grass, I don't mean grass. I'm no hippie.)

Monday, February 23, 2009

Ezra Taft Benson

Now that I have a concentrated outlet to fume, I may not stop. This inspired man talked about the dangers of socialism and communism a couple of decades ago, and warned that it would not be long before we as Americans lived under their bondage. Are we not seeing this happening right this moment? Check out the video by clicking here.

If you can listen to this and still ask yourself what is wrong with socialism, I would submit that you don't have it in you to work to improve your own life, to think for yourself or defend yourself when times are hard. And if your safety net is the federal government, you might want to ask yourself when a politician actually did something that wasn't primarily in his or her own best interest, and instead truly and sincerely did their job to protect you.

A couple of highlights from the sound clip:

1) Collectivized socialism is a counterfeit system of what God's plan is.
2) Communism in practice, is socialism.
3) Its purpose is world socialism, which is achieved through revolution by the communists, and through evolution by the socialists.
4) Both philosophies lead to the same thing: a loss of personal liberty.
5) Socialism cannot work unless it is within an all-powerful State. (SCARY!!!) That State has to be superior in everything.
6) Congress, back then was establishing a redistribution of wealth through the tax system. That, by definition, is socialism.
7) Welfare is no longer a charity. It is a right. We think we are entitled to the government's aid.
8) If we continue to follow the trend we are heading today (in 1977), two things will inevitably result: 1) a loss of our personal freedom, and 2) financial bankruptcy. (YIPPEE!!!)

My Obama top ten

Rather than focusing on how much the new administration scares the crap out of me, I decided it would be better to make a list of the benefits of the Obama bin Biden presidency, please to enjoy.

The power of the chosen one is enough to heal a disabled state senator

Joe Biden is the Stimulus czar...

Fiscal responsibility meetings one week after signing a 787 Billion stimulus bill

We finally get to spread the wealth around and punish those evil swine that make more than 250K, or is that 200K.  

We wont have to worry about working to put gas in our car or paying our mortgages.

Possible cabinet positions for patriots like Bill Ayers, Jeremiah Wright, and Tony Rezko.  At the rate the other nominees are dropping out, these guys may have to pinch hit.  

Rock  solid endorsements from Hugo Chavez and Louis Farrakahn.  

The geographic expansion of the United States from the current 50 states to 57 states, plus the 2 that he hasn’t been to, Alaska and Hawaii. 

Fun words like Obamanomics.  

The return of eloquence to the white house. 

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Bold, and Fresh (sorry O'Reilly)

'Tis true. We opine that this country is being taken over, from within. When folks like Sean Penn start calling themselves commie homos, we should be concerned. Dave invited me to contribute to this masterpiece and hopefully what I do contribute might be something of value to ward off Hollywood "role models" who constantly find themselves with mouths full of their own feet. 

The views and opinions we share might seem a little old fashioned. We're proud of it because it doesn't get any more old fashioned than what the Founding Fathers based this country on. Please be careful when listening to, or reading what the ideologues have to say because you might one day find yourselves unable to think for yourself. 

welcome, fasten your safety belts

Welcome to token white guys.  I was thinking the other day that it would be nearly impossible for me to be any whiter than I already am, and I have some friends who are the same.  So I figured, why not start a blog for us to let the world know just how white we really are.
Be warned that the ensuing  posts will be very witty, very pro-capitalism, and very politically conservative.
Thanks for your love and support.
-The management